Now I have four!


Somehow showing you a picture of my kitchen feels embarrassingly intimate. Like you just walked in on me in the shower or something…


I’m all super amped up cause I just cooked the first cook with the brand new GIANT cast iron. I mean, we already had the normal size cast iron. It’s 10 inches in diameter. It’s like, the first thing we bought when we moved out of the car and into the apartment. We pretty much had sleeping bags on the floor and a wireless router and a cast iron for a minute there. And a nice squishy bath mat for some reason. 

Anyway, I had that one for a while and it got all nice and seasoned and loved and broken in. Then after we moved into this new place and quit drinking so fucking much (serious drain on your finances, at least if you drink the way we were), we got the egg-size cast iron which is super cute and blue on the outside and just right for cooking two eggs in the morning. And then I found another normal size (10 inches) cast iron at a thrift store with a cool wooden handle so you don’t burn your hand. And now we can cook two different things at once which is super amazing. 

But I almost always want to make a bunch of food. The way I’ve been eating recently is I’m trying to mostly just eat meat and veggies. Which means you eat a lot of meat and a metric fuck ton of veggies. Which is awesome. But it also overflows your normal-sized cast iron all the time! And then things spill everywhere and just don’t get cooked evenly and you get kinda stressed out. Fortunately, they make 12-inch cast iron pans. And that’s pretty much the reason I decided to get a job. 

I felt like I hadn’t had enough veggies in my diet recently, so tonight I made beet fries in the oven and summer squash and onions and kale with cauliflower rice (like, you throw cauliflower in a food processor and eat it instead of rice. Fucking awesome!) in my brand-new giant cast iron. And I learned that my cooking is like a goldfish. In that it will grow to fit the size of the container you put it in. So it was a little overflowing. But not stressful at all. Only delicious. It’s like, so heavy that I totally can’t pick it up with one hand – I could barely even carry it through the store to buy it – but it feels sooo good to cook with! I seriously think I have like a cooking fetish or something. I’m not gonna be able to sleep tonight cause I can’t stop thinking about my new giant cast iron…